I change human scale 2 times. this plan which I sent was like provisional plan or lay out of space. Should I draw in detail with thickness of walls, doors, furnitures, etc.? proper plans, sections etc- it means that I have to prepare more precise views? What you mean writing "Nothing you could show at the midterm presentation"?
I want to ask also about genealogy wich I have to present - cladistic diageams- family tree - can I present few models if yes how many? 3 it will be enough or more?
5 Kommentare:
Thank you for posting
I posted an entry called "Dear Students" where you can find a description of what should be on the panels and Matias sent the layout to all the students with detailed information
I think now it's your decision whether or not you have the feeling you are satisfied with your design, if it is ready to be presented to a jury or if you want to work on specific elements before you start with the layout
I want to ask also about genealogy wich I have to present - cladistic diageams- family tree - can I present few models if yes how many? 3 it will be enough or more?
thanks for posting the most new developments.
About the scale issue: Remember I showed you how you can see the size of your Objects in Maya: alt+t
There you can roughly estimate the size of your object. You can see roughly the floor-area it covers.
Then you can scale your human figures to the right size: about 1.8m high (you better estimate them taller than smaller...)
About plans: No furniture or the likes please, check out this plans to understand roughly what we are up to:
Thank you. Now I have more clear view how to prepare plans and sections. Can you write me how I can cut my model in maya. When I was making provisional plan i used polycub and after mash and booleans and intesection. It halped my but only for this simple task. But how can I arrange this kind of section http://www.ovion.de/blog/wp-content/floorplan_01.jpg ?
best regards
Use the clipping in your camera settings.
Reduce the clipping plane till it starts cutting away your model, then make a rendering using the Maya Vector Reenderer...
Google up "Section Maya"
or go to this link with a tutorial on sections:
or ask Shannon, as he should know from last semester...
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