Here, I show two main types of modules composed of my components - Vertical / Horizontal. Both of them have the attempt to create layers and result into a 3-dimensional space. For me, I am more satisfied with the kind of quality formed by the horizontal module. I especially like the dissolved volume in the 8th image. However, I am facing the problem how to arrange them in a sense that the overall form has structural and logical sense and fuzziness not appears just horizontally but also vertically. Another option is combining two modules into one building, but I am not sure if that is too much and diverse the effect.
Technical questions:
It would be also great if anyone knows how to avoid heavy file size after many times of duplications. Instance duplication helps to reduce the file size but that also hinder me a lot to move each component around freely (They always stick as a group).
Is it possible to cast nice shadow with maya software renderer?
4 Kommentare:
Very good work,
I think that you achieved the qualities of blurry- and fuzziness with the component and its arrangement. You could help the jury to understand the arrangement of your cells by adding arrows or numbers or colors to the first
( http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_k6vtLLcz3OQ/SToxT6pLk0I/AAAAAAAAALw/o2dZlYAsbDE/s1600-h/Enclosure.jpg )
and second series of images
( http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_k6vtLLcz3OQ/SToxQ_w9efI/AAAAAAAAALo/9El_d8M0mfs/s1600-h/Enclosure2.jpg )
my second comment:
we see now a series of spatial sequences and probably this is also a good method to start to tackle this problem, but please keep on working on finding spatial arrangements of your components.
Alice, thanks for posting your inbetween results.
Very good work indeeed!
I think that what you need to do is just to make a couple of things more clear to the jury.
Sandra mentioned it allready: Make it graphically more easy to follow the assembly process of your components by labeling them, color code them or the likes. It is very clear to me that you used a reduced ammount of procedures of rotation and scaling to create a manyfold of blurred conditions.
This is very powerful and you should show that..
Maybe you can show that graphically like this:
And this one only because its so beautiful....:):
Alice, about casting shadows with software renderer, you can create a polygon plane and a point light to produce shadows. Don't forget to set the 'cast shadow' on before you render... I can show you in maya next time I see you. Best regards.
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