Samstag, 6. Dezember 2008

clau. COMP8_S2

I started to play with my initial component, rotating its three axes and changing the scale in z axis while paths are created. The result is just product of the interaction among the components. Any shape was pre-stablished - one of the rules for this work. The emergent behavior is the starting point for develping spatial contitions.
keywords for this ex.: redundancy, differentiation, informal diagrams, multiple, unexpected pahts, formless.
I haven't changed the the morphology of the component in this exercise. I'm trying to do so with other explorations, but any successful example til this moment.

2 Kommentare:

Matias del Campo hat gesagt…

Dear Claudia,

thanks for posting your most recent explorations. Now its time to wrap up the explorations and to decide which way you want to go. So you can find a clear line in the presentation of your project so far for the midterms.

I send allready the layout for the midterm which serves also as a Guide for what you have to present at the midterms.

For you, I think, it is time to find out how the enclosures can differentiate different sapces. Simply put: make a plan and section, so we can see how your building roughly works.

I still think that this:
is your most successfull approach so far. In terms of component behaviour and component esthetics.

It´s up to you which way you want to go, nonetheless I highly recommend to stick to decision in order to make faster progress.

All the best,

Matias del Campo

Matias del Campo hat gesagt…

PS: I sent to Alexandra a couple of links to images of plans, so you have an Idea of what the studio culture should absorb in terms of plan graphics...